Carbon Cloth CC4 Plain

Carbon Cloth CC4 Plain

¥5,940 ~ ¥19,800 税込
商品コード: CC4P20 ~ CC4P40

Carbon Cloth
Graphitized Spun Yarn Carbon Fabrics

WOVEN CARBON FABRICS are carbon fiber fabrics made from spun yarn. Fabric tailorability results from controlling the yield on rovings and yarns, and allows for a variety of finished composite thicknesses.

The spun yarns have many surface fibrils that protrude in various directions at various lengths from the
surface. This fiber loft contributes to high cross ply tensiles and interlaminar shear strengths for 2 D
composite materials. Contour conformation without wrinkling is another advantage of spun yarn fabrics.

Materials undergo a vacuum graphitizing process and long temperature soak, resulting in a
very thermally stable and chemically pure fabric with low oxidation rate.

WOVEN FABRICS include low cost carbon, carbon materials and other processes where efficient chemical vapor infiltration or prepregging is required.

Typical Properties for Standard Fabric Styles

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